~SOULART MUSINGS ~ (Heart and Soul or Soul and Heart)
I have always been taken care of
supported in every way
despite what it looked like on the outer
I knew I was held each and every day.
Somehow I didn’t doubt
I would move along into each moment, each day
knowing I would soon see a sprout.
Nevertheless, at moments I would fall into victim mode
point fingers, cast blame and shame
to soon discover the uselessness of victim and flush it down the commode.
Somehow I knew about a higher energy
which would assist me to shift
in a direction I was meant to be.
Despite my outer circumstances
and situations to befall
I would simply move along in life
confident, knowing, feeling
I would someday have it all.
What it would look like, this I did not know
it really had nothing to do with owning a nice car, home, or other things
which couldn’t grow and grow.
It had to do with love, acceptance, acknowledgement and fully being heard
with connection to the higher, to friends, community, nature and the birds.
Poverty is a state of consciousness, a thought in the mind
and only becomes a reality when you think and feel in kind.
Sure, there are times finances are low, times are tough
yet most often we have food on the table
a warm roof overhead and it’s not all that rough.
Until the mind and ego start to play their little games
inside of our microcosm, telling us that we should be ashamed.
We can choose to listen, we can choose to be
that which we are not,
it doesn’t have to become a likely reality.
Now I’m speaking from pure experience as I had those tough times
where I barely had food on the table and had to count each and every dime.
Where I was thankfully supported through federal funds
to feed, clothe, myself and children, to keep ourselves warm.
I even utilized Archuleta housing which wasn’t too much fun
thank goodness those years behind me and are done.
Me and my children three
five years of no bank account (nor checks, nor credit cards)
now that was the way to be!
I came to realize that poverty goes beyond financial lows
that once again it’s a thought,
a response to the world, where everything blows.
These thoughts can take over,
they can rule the roost
where every choice and decision are made
from the gutter vs. up on top of the roof.
Until one day I awoke and said to these thoughts – enough(!)-
we’re putting our attention on abundance
let’s get over this rough.
Let’s see and be all of these eternal endless possibilities
Let’s go for broke, see it all as a joke
Move through life joyful and free.
Know we’re all supported, and very much taken care of
put behind those lowly thoughts, and fly up high like a dove.
Choose from abundance, come away from the pain
choose from the place – that there’s everything to gain!
It works you know, for I am living proof
so turn those thoughts around and stop being so aloof.
Turn everything you touch into a big pile of gold
from the very depth inside of yourself
get rid of the old.
For you are not near anything of what you might seem
know that you can be everything you’ve ever dared to dream.
Why Control the Uncontrollable? And let the Magic slip away?
One day I tried ‘control’ on for size
as an experiment
(I’m also experimenting with poetry, so please excuse me)
it came and swept me off my feet
and I quickly came to realize
it touched me deep, in places within
all very uncomfortable to meet.
Maybe it brought back memories
of how I used to be?
Either way it was not fun
it was extremely edgy.
It seemed to take on a power of it’s own
pushy, bold, determined, muscle through,
which brought up these old tendencies . . .
emotions, behaviors
unfamiliar (as of late)
“Margaret, this ain’t you!”
Attitude, anger, rigidity,
separation, agitation, in a big rush,
who is this? what is this?
nothing like the Margaret
often doesn’t care to make a fuss.
Who would want to live like this?
continuously trying to take control
over that which isn’t
entirely up to us
and can really take a tole.
Adrenals, nervous system, heart
all in fatigue and stress
I was so very out of sorts on this day
and wanted to take on less.
Frazzle seemed to be the name of the game
going this way and that
who would want to live this way(?)
oh, it’s such a shame.
Most important and meaningful
was . . .
Spirit went unseen,
Spirit did not want to be anywhere near
this huge tangled knot,
this jumble inside
this scattered scene
where all was so very unclear.
Why control?
Why not surrender?
into a fluid liquid life
(the river shows us how)
a way of being which mimics a wave
where there’s less tension and strife
Why not surrender into the now,
into the unknown.
Our body, our breath
our arms wide open
welcoming magic as it unfolds.
To be with the only thing
we truly do have
to open into and imbibe
in this place
where we can completely bathe
in Divine’s organic salve.
Uniform in breath
Uniform in motion
Uniform in sensation
How do we create such exaltation?
Allowing our energies to rise high
to feed the ultimate vibe
up and through our third eye
Giving back to the creator
the pure magic of all of you and I
What more could we ask for?
We have it all.
This ultimate loving union
which has answered our longing call
Our gratitude unmistakable
our Bhakti so great
where all is delightfully playing out
to secure our original fate
We love you Beloved
you are so very dear
we strive in every way
to keep you close and very near
In the heart of us.
Here, now
This now, the next,
The one that follows?
Let, allow all to transform;
To lie
No need to add, subtract, nor multiply
Question, nor figure out
It’s all unfolding
Perfect and in grace
Organic order
New and old
Let Garji whisper the untold.
As we begin to loosen our grip
on the passing year,
these last few introspective months,
and especially on –
the less important aspects of the material world,
we can begin to ‘own’ that we are soul.
As we begin to free ourselves,
soul organically attains a new perspective.
As we transition from darkness to light
rooting, resting, letting down, unleashing our ‘old’
opening to the new
allowing our consciousness and our concepts to alter,
without thought or effort
our viewpoints rise and blossom.
A sprout quietly forms
in the womb of our consciousness.
It is our finely developed awareness
which catches, nurtures,
holds and coddles it.
What is sprouting inside of you? (written in 2019)
Like the roots which delve deep, extending into mother earth’s skin as weeks, months, or maybe years may pass where all is hidden, not to be unearthed.
Our time to go silent, dormant, to lie underneath, in the darkness, the cool, which may seem quite brief.
Here we will discover our genuine selves, our unabiding love, our construct, our transparency, all tucked in like a glove.
Like the roots whom have courage, perseverance and more, individually we will allow the depths of ourselves to unveil.
Until Spring comes where we will blossom up and truly soar.
And in this phase, please do not be afraid, nor worry, nor doubt; let our love grow and blossom from the inside out.
How can I find words
to speak of and share
the support, love, ease and simplicity
which lives deep in here
To return to my center is a Godsend indeed
to find stillness, quiet, rest, freedom
from the daily speed
I’ve been shown that the beloved
lives inside
the love and guidance
I delightfully imbibe
The stillness, quiet, soft ego and mind
assists me to touch upon
my sweet essence in kind
My gratitude is grand
for these teachings that I’m shown
and all the many ways
I can find my way home
My gratitude is grand
for the insights offered me
to witness the illusion
taking charge within thee
to learn to shift quickly
And to finally find the key
Oh, what a blessing!
These traits of outreach are looked upon
with appreciation and grace
luckily my inner world, laced with love
helps me balance my pace
I’ve been shown to honor, to protect
that which is sacred inside
to continuously check into my center
and truly imbibe
My dreams told me so
to keep it under lock and key
oh, how I long to do so
to be in the ‘truth’ and free
I have been shown what is most important, meaningful and more
I simply need to remember
to allow and surrender
in order to restore
I sense the deeper meaning and purpose
to rise up, in between, and as one
just as steady and consistent
as the rising and setting sun
It’s incredible how all the pieces
come to fit
if I can simply remember
to slow down, quiet down
and simply sit
ONE STONE AT A TIME (see fulll stone patio photo on Events page)
All grows and blossoms from the seed center
time and time and time again
I simply need to remember
“you do have the ability to continuously re-enter”.
It all magnetizes back to this center
in all walks of life
in every way
in every day.
Slowing, quieting,
finding clear space
to take the time to tune into the Divine
with loving grace.
Listening, learning, with present-centered attention
layer after layer
he laid the foundation.
Leveling, pluming, with just the proper tilt
the uppermost layer
made of a particular granular silt.
From the very middle to outward
he was bound
to create the right drainage
for this founding ground.
It was upon this founding ground
I spent a numerous amount of hours
laying out the flagstone
upon the teeny flowers.
Again, I was reminded to return home to the core
so I laid thicker, wider, larger stones
from the outer shore
moving in toward the center
while relating to those stones long-held lore.
One stone at a time, not two, not three
considering the next
yet no further could it be
one thought, one fitting, time and time again
one stone at a time
whom I called my friend.
Choosing from hundreds with a multitude of shapes
piecing them together
while some of them have grooves or weather worn stripes
similar to a feather.
As I found my way to center
after many hours and days had passed
I was wondering which was true?
would I know at long last?
Who is doing the shaping . . . . ?
Are these stones within this patio
forming and shaping me?
one breath, one moment, one stone
to help set me free?
As I found myself now home again
within this very center
I knew the next phase would again
help me to remember . . .
Now, from the core, of course(!)
I had to begin
to lay the decomposed gravel
to fit, to shimmy, to pound
each stone in.
Each, one at a time
fitting each stone
helping each of them
to find their way
into their new home.
FROST ON THE BRIDGE (written in the Fall of 2018)
That was then, this is now
tears shed of what was
passing through the gateway at the rivers bend
to what will now be
the meadow is now icy
where the elk saunter through
the aspen leaves are slowly fading from a green to a golden hue
the sun in its glory starts to fill the sky
it is barely peaking over the hillside’s shoulder
laying out its warmth
lighting up the crown of a tree
and the hips and curves of the rockies
the trees are queiting
sending sap back down
while the sky is blue today, oh my(!)
A sight unseen as of late
barely a cloud to catch the suns early a.m. glows
All is changing
as I shiver atop the lichen covered ancient stones
changing with each breath
each tear,
each rain and dew drop
to reveal what’s on the horizon
I sense the changes will seamlessly
evolve from deep within
my now peaceful yet vibrant heart
who sings a new song for me
who awakens me in the darkness of the new moon
to share my deepest yearnings
by once again shedding the tears of what has been
My heart awakens with a quickening early this a.m.
to say “listen, listen, I have something to share,
pay heed to my directions”
“walk lightly, more lightly and even more, upon this earth”
“greet every passing tree, stone, brook and bird”
“turn your nose toward the earth vs. snuffing it up and away” (My soulart musing written in the fall of 2018)
These final words are from Sri Gary Olsen:
“Stand tall and stand in the light of surrender
allow the Inner Self to orchestrate all
and exalt in the glories of the transcendent realities and
veritable truths that all life stands upon.
Let your true self imbibe deeply in the richness and sweetness
presently all about within and without.
It is not the destruction of illusion that is desired, but seeing through the illusion –
which frees our point of view
allowing us to transcend the world of appearances.
The truth of truths can be embraced when one simply
reverses everything that life has taught one,
for just the opposite is true.
We are soul!
And soul is our central reality.
Soul is a divine spark of Anami, the absolute” **Sri Gary Olsen
My yoga practice got away from me, this practice I hold so very near and dear
this practice of subtle and gross intimacy,
one that leads to health and self-care.
I chose to run, hike, bike, do sit-ups, step-ups, push-ups and a whole lot more.
I enjoyed the invigoration, the new challenge, the hard work, and the beautiful great outdoors.
My heart and muscles were quick to respond, to listen to my every que,
yet something was missing, something so close, and as each and every day would pass, where I didn’t have a clue.
My body started changing, expanding, getting very broad and thick.
I was so confused as I was exercising often and hard, where I became so very quick.
The missing piece was this intimacy
this acute awareness, which keeps me true.
True to who I am, how I am, in the moment, in the now, connected – to name just a few.
My knees, foot, and ankle were hurting,
my joints popping at every step,
“what is happening here, this is not very clear, what the heck?”.
Without this sacred practice within my daily life,
everything was getting away from me and causing me great inner strife.
As I came back to my own inner practice versus teaching it to everyone around,
I fell back in love with it, as well as with myself
and was ready to rebound.
I became more attentive to the truth of who I really am
to find the sweet, sweet treasures buried deep in my microcosm.
Here I sit so extremely grateful and full of appreciation
of this sacred practice brought to me
and practiced once again.
You lie deep in my heart
feeling the pain
rising out of the surreal,
confusion, shock
Who am I, where am I, what is my next step?
stripped, naked, bare, vulnerable, lost
yet underneath lives the ever-present
strong and true
sensing the limitless possibilities
to awaken out of the rawness
comradarie, comfort,
teamwork, ease,
simple love
where all naturally falls into place
for your deep beauty to once again
be revealed, adorned, shared
ILLUMINATION (anatomy course gleaning)
Peaks, valleys, rivers, streams with all of their contours, curves and bubbles become plainly revealed — without a mention of a name; simply allowing that which is most valuable to shine through.
As with the precious soul in front of me, their subtle nuances are most meaningful, whereby names are only to be used in need of clear communication.
Compass, maps, memory, intuition, knowledge, feeling sense all assist me to navigate my way through the wilderness while at the same time being open to fully perceiving the layers within the earth’s mantles.
As I navigate the layered mantles and landscape of this precious soul and body I will now be more confident to open into my newly created senses, inspired by my recent incredible anatomy course from a teacher who demonstrated such expertise (factually) and at the same time embracing the wholeness of our beings.
I trust a brilliant gem of spiritual revelation and truth to shine through this vessel (soul) as I now have the confidence to more thoroughly enhance alignment to open the energy pathways creating fuller illumination for all.
(Ancient Lore – Musing Prelude: Imagine this area where there are live trees, tall burned trees, an avalanche overwhelmed mountainside where logs, trees, branches, boughs, are tangled within one another all the way down to the river and onto the river’s ‘snow bridges’ – and it’s Spring and melting . . . .)
Crossing the bridge
my body thrilled and pulsed
elated to be back in the wild
secluded, connected
to the trees, rocks, cliffs
stalagmite formations lean into the mountainside
The water in its fullest
with a deep rumble, roar, thundering tune
bridged with snow and strewn pine crowns
as logs lay sandwiched amongst one another
From dainty flowers and bright green tips of new growth on the pine
to stoic, vulnerable, exposed, raw
new reality
As the ancient lore of their stories
are now laying back onto Mother Earth
standing tall
in their wisdom
They gracefully lay humbled in the wake of the avalanche
not feeling destroyed,
just simply onto a new incarnation
taking their lore and wisdom with
All could be viewed as devastation
yet the trees say “no”!
All is perfect
the heart of light
please come hold me tight
share your love
guide me through the night
the whispy feather of a cloud
beholds a message
in its thin wing
therefore be silent to hear it sing
lit up by the sun, the moon, the stars
sense the turn around of
jupiter and mars
or is it the galaxy
inside of your own head?
the antashkaran center
being placed into bed
to rest, to wait, to quiet down
before it splendidly transforms
and gets turned upside down
From the depths of the canyon,
I walk away with reciprocal spaciousness
filled with the symphonic sounds of the ancient canyon, its heartbeat, and its creatures,
as well as restoration, acute awareness, comaraderie, love, companionship and sacred sisterhood.
This blend inspired me to tune into my own inner whispers
revealing the threads of my layered self
which are now woven into a strong rope
with a pull towards my highest being.
It is you who has created me to be who I am today
it is you with your devotion, support, without hesitation nor delay
Each and every week, each and every day, fervently attending class after class
excited to attend, listen, and learn the yoga play
To know that I’m honored, cared for, and have a communal tribe
fills me with such gratitude, confidence, warmth, love and much more, so very deep inside
To move about in my community with a back pack full of that
elicits the deepest profound satisfaction, contentment, and joy
where I’m constantly filled to the brim and even overflowing the boundaries of my hat
My wish is for all of us to be able to imbibe in this tremendous gift
for all of us to move through life via this communal lift
for all of us to succeed in our own organic way
to be wrapped up in this knowing each and every day
Souls Touching
It is time to say
to what was
Change is on the horizon once again
Change is scary
resistance natural,
yet, can it be nurturing?
Only time will tell . . . . . . .
Times of the past remain
in each of our hearts
and lurking within our subconscious
Initially these impressions return frequently and poignantly
and then . . . . . . . . .
Our souls have touched
we have known and rekindled this intimacy
arising from soul
and this
remains deeply inside of each one of us
and this
I’m entirely grateful for
It is o.k. . . . . . . .
really . . . . . . .
Let worry slip away
embrace adaptability
to NOW
move into truth
toward the direction that has been
revealing itself
moment to moment
listen . . . . .
NOW is the time
Margaret – can you simply be?
Here, now
This now, the next,
The one that follows?
Let, allow all to transform;
To lie
No need to add, subtract, nor multiply
Question, nor figure out
It’s all unfolding
Perfect and in grace
Organic order
New and old
Let Garji whisper the untold.
As we begin to loosen our grip
on the passing year,
these last few introspective months,
and especially on –
the less important aspects of the material world,
we can begin to ‘own’ that we are soul.
As we begin to free ourselves,
soul organically attains a new perspective.
As we transition from darkness to light
rooting, resting, letting down, unleashing our ‘old’
opening to the new
allowing our consciousness and our concepts to alter,
without thought or effort
our viewpoints rise and blossom.
A sprout quietly forms
in the womb of our consciousness.
It is our finely developed awareness
which catches, nurtures,
holds and coddles it.
What is sprouting inside of you? (written in 2019)
my ‘soulart’ (soul & heart) musing written in 2019 – prior to the closing of the doors of our downtown studio
I finally found my true ’home’ in the ‘room’
Filled with community, closeness, understanding
collective energy, goals, ideals
to hold me, to behold me
Surrounded by all of you (my family)
familiarity, yet ever-changing
Filled with constant creativity and newness
as we bounce back and forth
from our surface enticements
to bodily movements
to inner recognitions
In quiet resolve
all wrapped within love
while we’re tucked in the womb of the orange walls
following our truth
surrounded by unconditional acceptance and care
which gently breathes into the surface
as we move
Settling into the peace
and harmony of who we truly are
INSPIRED BY OUR SUMMERTIME OUTSIDE CLASSESAs we move, breathe, and immerse ourselves in nature under the loving and benevolent skies of bright blue with the incredible contrast of the white lit clouds, we are uplifted into the heavens that are emerging from within our own selves.These long hidden Divine qualities that lay latent inside of us are now re-awakening.Being out in nature offers us such freedom and an elevated state into alternative perspectives that were once entrapped within walls (literal as well) of fear, grief, anxiety, limitations and isolation.Being in nature represents expansive possibilities, reflects to us solidity as her surfaces are ever-changing, and promises us a fresh, new beautiful opening into . . . . . .As we flow away from our practice, we bring with us a flexible/bendable new outlook as our former inhibitions are now soothed in this present moment of NOW.
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