Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy
Empower and explore while you are being gently stretched and moved into assisted yoga postures, allowing the body to join in on the therapeutic process. The body needs to be involved for trauma to heal while fully acknowledging what's happening for you at your deepest levels. ("Your issues are in your tissues!")You'll be acutely present while answering gentle correlative questions to validate all in the sharing of your process. ("Name it to tame it!")
This often brings about clarity, growth, relaxation, and freedom.If you'd like to generate grander life-changing awareness by focusing on what matters most to you in your life, you may want to consider receiving support through my Therapeutic Life Mentoring Sessions, which includes non-intrusive accountability coaching during and in between sessions.Please see my bio on teacher page. Pricing varies depending on your needs $60-90/session. * No experience necessary—from teens to elders, bed-ridden to athlete, COUPLES, too!Call Margaret to schedule an appointment (970-946-8603) ZOOM OPTIONS AVAILABLE
- deep listening to the point of really being 'gotten/understood'
- non-intrusive accountability coaching during and in between sessions
- an adaptive approach to have your specific needs addressed
- magic, transformation, and tremendous healing and growth